Sunday, July 02, 2006

AutoSam 24 hour reaction sampling from HiTec Zang

AutoSam is a fully automated liquid sample handling system with simple operation: the sampling and bottling programmes can be time controlled or event controlled
AutoSam is a fully automated liquid sample handling system with simple operation. The sampling and bottling programmes can be time controlled (forced time points) or event controlled (e.g on exceeding of limit values). Sample residues and flushing solutions are caught in a separate waste vessel.

Inert materials and free programmable flushing cycles assure handling without carryover and sterility of biological samples.

The AutoSam is adaptable as a sample dispenser or multi component receiver.

The needle can be at any point in the sampling vessel.

Precise control allows targeted separation of liquids by suction to the phase interface level.

Sampling flasks with closed or slitted septa can be utilised.

Even closed sampling vessels (e.g 1.5 and 2ml-E-caps) with a thin membrane can be used.

The sample tray can be exchanged for different bottle volumes eg 10 ml to 2000 ml sample bottles.

The AutoSam is controlled via a serial interface e.g using the HiTec Zang LAB-manager.

The control is performed by a hitext-programme - or by hibatch-unit-operations.

Thus AutoSam can be easily integrated into HiTec Zang LabKit and MultiLab systems.

There are many applications.

* Bottling of samples.

* Delivery of educts or reactants.

* Quenching, mixing and diluting.

* Derivation with several reagents.

* Liquid/liquid extraction.

* For batch- und continuous processes.

* For upstream- and downstream processing.

For further details and a brochure contact Labtex.