On-line analysis for sulphide
New from Applikon Analytical the ADI 2019 Process Colorimeter for sulphide will provide reliable and accurate analysis of sulphide in most sample matrices.
New from Applikon Analytical the ADI 2019 Process Colorimeter for sulphide will provide reliable and accurate analysis of sulphide in most sample matrices. Using a two reagent chemistry the ADI 2019 Process Colorimeter for sulphide determines the concentration of sulphide using the unique Differential Absorbance Colorimetry (DAC) method to prevent sample colour and turbidity interfering with the analysis. The sensitivity of the method allows the detection of 10 micro-g/l and has a nominal limit of 2.5 mg/l.
The range of the analyser can be extended by adjusting the configuration should a higher range be required.
In common with other applications, the ADI 2019 Process Colorimeter features automatic cleaning, automatic validation of out of range results and automatic calibration.
Housed in an IP65 enclosure the analyser is suitable for mounting in process areas without further protection.
Applikon Analytical is part of the Metrohm group of companies and represented in the UK exclusively by Metrohm.
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