Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Elga Process Water cuts costs for Anglian Windows

A Rapide Strata counter-current short-cycle deioniser is the ideal solution for the Anglian Windows requirements for improved water quality in a new glass soft-coating process.

A Rapide Strata counter-current short-cycle deioniser from Elga Process Water has proved to be the ideal solution to the Anglian Windows requirements for increased volumes and improved water quality resulting from their introduction of a new soft-coating process for the glass used in many products. The new Elga water treatment system is also providing other important benefits, including reduced regeneration time, smaller effluent volumes and substantially reduced running costs. Soft-coated glass has a much better energy performance than ordinary glass but, before the soft coating process can be carried out, the glass must be cleaned to a very high standard.

This requires demineralised water with conductivity of 20micro-S or less.

The existing installation at Anglian Windows - also originally supplied by Elga - had given reliable service over many years but was only designed to achieve 40micro-S.

In addition, its throughput was too low to meet the demands of the new process.

Replacing the existing system with a Rapide Strata 18 deioniser, which has a capacity of 18m3/hr and which produces treated water with an average conductivity of 2micro-S, provided a complete solution.

The new installation has a regeneration time of just 35 minutes, minimising the need for water storage to avoid process interruptions.

In addition, the Rapide Strata installation has a requirement for chemical regenerants which is up to 60% lower, per cubic metre of water treated, than the older system.

This means substantial reductions in expenditure on chemicals, and that less space is needed for chemical storage on site.

The efficiency of the new water treatment installation at Anglian Windows also means that effluent volume has been reduced by around 45% and that the effluent stream is close to neutral pH.

Only a minimum of treatment is, therefore, needed before the effluent is discharged.

These factors result in further cost savings.

'Installing the Rapide Strata system was straightforward,' said David Duncan, General Services Manager of Anglian Windows, 'as the equipment is supplied fully assembled and pre-tested on a skid.

Some modifications were, of course, needed to our existing pipework but, overall, the new plant was up and running very quickly.

From the outset, the results in terms of water quality, reliability and performance have been excellent, and we are naturally delighted to have more treated water of better quality while still being able to reduce costs.

Elga were very sensitive to our needs throughout this project and, without doubt, the company has provided us with a solution that addresses those needs very effectively'.

Elga Rapide Strata systems of the type used by Anglian Windows are available in versions with flow rates of 4, 10 and 18m3/hr.

All sizes feature high-efficiency short-cycle regeneration, and all can be optionally supplied with an integrated polishing device to produce water with much higher quality for very little extra expenditure, if it is required.