Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Poultry plant uses Mono Muncher to reduce waste

To meet environmental legislation and avoid the penalties which could result from non-compliance, the 2 Sisters Food Group has installed a Mono Series 'A' Muncher at its poultry processing plant.
The need to meet increasingly stringent environmental legislation and avoid the penalties which could result from non-compliance has led the 2 Sisters Food Group to install a Mono Series 'A' Muncher at its UK poultry processing plant. 2 Sisters Food Group is one of the UK's largest poultry processing companies and its plant supplies chicken produce for a wide variety of food uses. In order to meet the relevant legislation from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, covering the disposal of animal by-products via land injection, 2 Sisters needed to ensure that the waste from its processes is reliably and consistently reduced to a particle size of no more than 4mm.
Waste material from the processing operations is passed over a run-down screen from where all the screenings - mainly chicken offal and feathers with 10% dry solids - are fed via an existing Mono Merlin progressing cavity pump into a waste holding tank.
From the holding tank all solids pass through the newly installed Mono Muncher which grinds the product until the required particle size is reached.
Another Mono pump then transfers the reduced waste to road tankers for land injection, where it is used to provide an agricultural fertiliser.
The Mono Series 'A' Muncher offers a reliable and economical solution to the problem of reducing food waste.
It is a twin-shaft, low speed, high torque grinder which, while allowing liquids to pass through it, traps any entrained solids.
These are then fed through a series of cutters, which revolve at differential speeds to pull apart, crop and shear any solids such as bones or feathers down to a small particle size.
The integral gearbox in the Muncher converts its relatively low motor power into high output torque to make it extremely powerful but also energy efficient.
The low revolving speed of the cutter shafts creates low cutter tip speeds, and this dramatically reduces wear rates and noise levels compared to high speed macerators.
The Mono customer, TAPS of Huddersfield, originally installed the Mono Muncher on a trial basis to ensure that it was able to fulfil all 2 Sisters' requirements.
The unit features a 2.2kW electric motor and processes the waste at a 5m3 per hour.
Since successfully completing the trial, the Muncher has gone on to complete its first six months of continuous, problem-free, operation without incurring any maintenance costs.