Friday, August 18, 2006

Coriolis Hot Applications

Molten Sulphur, Bitumen, Pitch, Paint Resins and Liquid Toffee are all hot fluids just so perfect for a Coriolis mass flowmeter. Their fluid properties change wildly with small variances in temperature. The only problem is most meters on the market are literally cooked by these fluids. Not necessarily immediately, but some time in the process the heating medium gets too hot and you soon have the charred remains of a Coriolis in your hands.

Just when the market was about to give up on Coriolis technology, along comes RotaMASS with RCCS sensors that can continuously handle fluid temperatures up to 230°C. And even if your process fluid is hotter than 230°C then contact your local Yokogawa Australia Sales Engineer. Here's how!

Specific materials are selected for the driver and coil components inside the sensor. The electrical design of these components also is critical to successful operation in such difficult conditions. But this is only half the key to Yokogawa's success.

In measuring these fluids it important to maintain their thermal inertia for many reasons as listed below;
- Loss of heat in the fluid can be expensive to restore
- Fluid properties change dramatically and affect the process performance
- Even slight cooling can cause the fluid to stick to the walls, precipitate or bind together.

So to maintain the fluid's thermal inertia, Yokogawa have designed RotaMASS with external process heating as shown below;

Further to this external process heating, Yokogawa provide as a standard factory option the following enclosure of the RotaMASS sensor;

RotaMASS sensor and process heating is contained in a two-part enclosure. Insulation wool is added to fill the void.
The two halves are then riveted together. The terminal box is extended beyond the exterior of the enclosure to allow for field serviceability.

Now the temperature of these tubes dramatically affects their flexibility. So temperature measurement is very critical as follows;

The critical path is to transport the heat from the protection tube to the measuring tubes via the nitrogen. One tube is sufficient to heat the protection tube from only one side. This is because the protection tube is very well insulated by 80mm stone-wool and the heat conductivity is much greater than the nitrogen.
Heat conductivity:
Stainless steel :16 W/(K*m)
Cement :16 W/(K*m)
Nitrogen :0.0025 W/(K*m)

Hot Applications
Below is an application of this technology on hot Bitumen at a Sydney loading terminal. Note the vertical orientation of both of the RotaMASS sensor.

Note only does the thermal enclosure protect the operators from scalding surfaces, it ensures accurate measurement across the meters. If there is a significant temperature difference from the start and end of the U-Tubes this translates into errors in both the flow and density measurements.