Monday, December 04, 2006

COD on-line analysis from Applikon

The analysis of the COD value in waste and surface waters is one of the most expressing to determine the degree of pollution of the water.

The analysis of the COD value in waste and surface waters is one of the most expressing to determine the degree of pollution of the water. COD stands for Chemical Oxygen Demand and reflects the total quantity of oxidisable components, whether it is carbon (C) and hydrogen (H) from hydrocarbons, nitrogen (N) from proteins, or sulphur (S) and phosphorous (P) from detergents. Unlike the TOC value (Total Organic Carbon), only expressing the carbon coming from pollutants, the COD value is expressing the lot.

The very principle of COD analysis is the depletion of an oxidiser given to the sample and being consumed by the pollutants, whereas the TOC analysis is based on the generation of CO2 caused by the oxidation of the organic components, usually being detected by an infra-red detector.

There are several oxidisers, all strong enough to oxidise the various components there may be in the aqueous sample.

However not many are stable enough to suite a quantitative chemical analysis as most of the oxidisers not only oxidise the pollutant but also themselves, which obviously would lead to false results in the analysis.

The most stable oxidiser is a solution of potassium bichromate (K2Cr2O7) mixed with sulphuric acid.

Hence the reason this oxidiser has been chosen to base the normalised method on (DIN 38409-44, EPA 410.4).

This is the true COD test and is used in all wastewater testing.

Another very suitable oxidiser is a solution of potassium permanganate (KMnO4).

This is often used in the potable water industry and with water authorities to determine 'COD'.

The permanganate test is quite suitable also to be used in wastewater and has the advantage not to release a harmful waste (Cr3+ and Cr2O7), although the quantities are minute.

To execute these tests a small amount of sample is mixed with an excess of oxidiser solution and boiled for a certain time.

According to the normalised test this time should be 2 hours but maybe set shorter when the sample allows, eg for waste waters with a predictable quickly oxidisable component (like sugar) can be set to a short oxidation time (like 15 min).

Sometimes it is recommended to add catalyst (Ag+), for example in cases to oxidise the 'hardy's' such as aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.

In the case where chloride is present in the sample (which will get oxidised to chlorine and is not considered as COD) it should be immobilised with mercury or it should measured and be deducted in the final COD result calculation.

The latter is preferred since the release of mercury is not wanted; (mind there are also good and simple ways to retrieve mercury by an absorption cartridge which can be disposed of in an environmentally acceptable way).

This oxidation step in the determination is also called the digestion.

The next step in the determination is the detection.

The detection is done by the analysis of the remainder of the oxidiser (either the bichromate or the permanganate).

There are 2 methods of analysing this remainder: titration or colorimetric, of which the first one is referred to in the normalised method because it is the most accurate one.

The colorimetric method requires less hardware and is attractive from an investment point of view.

In the case of bichromate: Titration: The digested solution is transferred to a titration vessel and titrated with a solution of ferrous (Fe2+) against a Platinum electrode.

That is from a precision pump (burette) the ferrous solution is slowly added to the digested solution causing the ferrous to be oxidised instantaneously by the remainder of the bichromate till the potential shift at the electrode tells when all bichromate has been taken out by the ferrous.

The COD value may be calculated then from the difference of the originally added quantity of bichromate and the remainder which is determined by the quantity of the added ferrous till titration endpoint.

Colorimetric: The digested solution is transferred to a colorimetric cell in which the density of the green colour of the chromium ion (Cr3+) is being measured; (the bichromate gets reduced to chromium in the oxidation process).

The measurement is done against a previously stored calibration being a series of chromium solutions with a different concentration.

In the case of permanganate: Titration: The digested solution is transferred to a titration vessel and titrated with a solution of oxalic acid against a Platinum electrode.

Colorimetric: The digested solution is transferred to a colorimetric cell in which the optical density of the purple colour of the permanganate ion (MnO72-) is being measured.

Another strong oxidiser is so called OH radicals.

These radicals maybe generated by either ozone or by an electrode (from a suitable reagent).

The attractive part using ozone, as an oxidiser is it can be generated from air.

A major drawback is that the OH radicals are very short lived (in the order of a few minutes only) and thus only the easy to oxidise components are being measured.

The 'nasty's' are being oxidised only partly.

This makes this method only suitable in those cases where a single polluting component varies in concentration.

In the cases a wide array of pollutants is present in the sample this method will show very inconsistent results showing no correlation with the normalised method.

In those cases one likes to observe the trend of (mainly hydrocarbon) pollutants in the water sample, it is also possible to make use of the approved spectro-photometric method DIN 38404.

By this method all components having absorption ability at 254 nm will be measured.

Like the method just mentioned before this method has similar drawbacks, but Analyzers based on it are not expensive to buy or to maintain.

Any of the mentioned methodologies, except the one using the OH radicals, may be applied with the ADI process Analyser 2040, the most versatile On-line Analyser on the market today.

Whether you choose the bichromate or the permanganate method, the titration detection or the colorimetric, the 2040 is able to run the analysis with optimal precision.

On top of that it features the ability to incorporate 2 more analyses such as ammonia or nitrate or phosphate or others and a virtually unlimited number of physical parameters such as optical density (UV, VIS, turbidity), pH, conductivity, Oxygen, ORP, and many more! Where others need a full array of all kinds of different analysers Applikon can do with just one maybe two.