Tertiary treatment presentations at Aquatech
Severn Trent Services, a global leader in water and wastewater treatment solutions, will present at Aquatech the latest developments in Tertiary Treatment and Disinfection Technologies
Severn Trent Services, a global leader in water and wastewater treatment solutions, invites you to visit us at Aquatech to review the latest developments in Tertiary Treatment and Disinfection Technologies at the Aquastage presentations. Firstly on Wednesday, 27th September (1400hr), Water Treatment Aquastage will present 'Tertiary treatment of wastewater - the legislative requirement and technology options'. Numerous European Union Directives have been introduced to enforce strict standards for the treatment of wastewater parameters.The Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive (UWWTD) has enforced mandatory secondary treatment of wastewater and has tightened the permitted concentration values (PCV) for the removal of ammonia, nitrogen and phosphorus.
This presentation will give an overview of current wastewater treatment directives and the range of technical solutions available to meet the legislative requirements.
Then, on Thursday, 28th September (1400hr), at the Water Treatment Aquastage, the presentation will be: 'Disinfection Technology - Finding the right solution for the task'.
This Aquastage presentation will discuss the requirement for safe and reliable disinfection systems, the latest technology that can be used to minimise health, safety and environmental risk and other considerations when assessing the variety of systems available.
With a wide array of water disinfection equipment and technologies, providing the right solution for industrial and municipal applications is simple.
From traditional disinfection equipment and technologies such as gas chlorination to alternative technologies such as on-site sodium hypochlorite generation, Severn Trent Services provides disinfection systems to meet and exceed the needs of our clients.
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