Friday, December 22, 2006

Pulsar ultrasonics go deep and narrow

Pulsar have worked with United Utilities to solve waste water level control problems in two separate applications in Cumbria, in both cases using long range non-contacting ultrasonic equipment.

Pulsar have worked with United Utilities to solve waste water level measurement and control problems in two separate applications in North West Cumbria, in both cases using long range non-contacting ultrasonic equipment featuring the latest digital echo processing to accurately locate the liquid level. At Seascale WwTW, a 15m deep tank includes a shelved base leading down to a small sump housing two submersible pumps, a mere 2m square in section and 2.5m deep. In order to control the tank properly, it is important to measure the level down between the pumps.

This creates a very difficult application, requiring the level measurement unit to discriminate between many conflicting echoes while retaining the location of a relatively small target.

Previous efforts to monitor the level in the small sump had been unsuccessful.

Pulsar supplied a high-power, narrow beam dB25 ultrasonic transducer, which was mounted at the top of the tank.

The DATEM software built into the full range of Pulsar's 'Ultra' level controllers identified the correct level, and maintained contact with the level even down into the furthest reaches of the sump.

This solved a difficult measurement application for United Utilities and allowed the process to operate at maximum efficiency.

In another North Western application, Pulsar equipment was again chosen to provide reliable measurement in a very large, deep, sump at the John Pier pumping station in Workington.

This tank collects waste water from the town and pumps it on to the main treatment works, about 2 miles up the coast.

The depth of the tank is around 25m and the water surface is often turbulent and foamy.

Pulsar used their new dB40 ultrasonic transducer, offering a range of up to 40m with fantastic acoustic power.

Two separate Pulsar systems were installed, again following previous unsuccessful efforts to monitor the level reliably.

Each comprises an Ultra 3 controller with a db40 transducer, and these have provided extremely reliable level measurement in these arduous conditions.

Since the success of these applications within the Cumbria area, Pulsar have been awarded a single-source framework agreement by United Utilities for ultrasonic level measurement and open-channel flow measurement, for the AMP4 period.